There's little I can add to the generally across the board love for the Star Trek franchise's reboot by J.J. Abrams. I'm certainly not going to disagree with any of it. It's a fantastic blockbuster movie, made even more impressive by the eye-popping IMAX cinema experience.
The young cast are excellent. Quinto's Spock is as perfect a piece of casting as everyone expected, as is Karl Urban's spot-on 'Bones' McCoy. Chris Pine, wisely side-stepping a Shatner caricture is also absolutely excellent, playing his Kirk as defiant, rebellious and heroic and promising to only get more confident and comfortable in the role as the franchise continues. In fact all of the classic characters get a fair crack at the whip - the young Sulu and Chekov play on some old series tropes and come out well, as does Pegg's Scotty, who delivers the classic Doohan lines with relish.
The story manages to straddle the old Trek values and cliches with a knowing wink and also serves up a huge effects-laden blockbuster that barrels along at break-neck pace. This is, of course, no mean feat. Re-imagining a forty year old show for a much more clued-up generation while retaining its charm, character and look is a real achievement. It's hard these days to be really swept up by the blockbuster movie, as there's just so many of them, but the new Trek is two hours of exhilarating, unalloyed FUN. Fantastic.
nice blog.
Very interesting
I have a blog also. The address is www.olhardireito.blogspot.com
It is written in Portuguese but i have google translate tool
Take a look and give a opinion
See you
Dr Who becoming cool, now Star Trek.... what's the world coming to? Our younger selves would be disgusted with our older selves for such things ;) But, seriously, I've heard nothing but good things about this film, so I'll try and see it sometime during my up-coming two weeks off. Oh, and loving Supernatural season 2. It seems to be getting darker, while getting funnier at the same time.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I think it's hard to dislike anything when you see it at the IMAX though - it makes everything a fully immersive spectacle.
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