Sunday, 5 July 2009

One Time Directors

A quick question for anyone who's out there. There's part of my current novella that involves a director who only made one film due to box office failure and critical indifference, and I was trying to compile a list of similar directors for inclusion in the story. Most cinephiles know about Charles Laughton and Night of the Hunter which failed mightily upon release, but is now generally regarded (rightfully) as a classic, but are there any others?
Any help would be gratefully received!


fluid69 said...

Not quite in the same league as Laughton, but one that springs to mind is Herk Harvey, who directed Carnival of Souls.

fluid69 said...

Oh, and although he did direct more than one film, it might be worth reading up on old Orson Welles. He was pretty knocked by the inital reaction to Citizen Kane, and didn't really ever top it (partially) as a result of that, some say.

Simon Avery said...

Herk Harvey - that's excellent. He's just the kind of director that fits the story.

fluid69 said...

Always glad to be of service. At least I'm good for something, even if it is just movie trivia.