Monday, 2 March 2009

The Six Word Story

In the twenties, Ernest Hemingway's colleagues bet him he couldn't write a complete story in six words. In retaliation, Hemingway wrote this:
For sale: baby shoes, never used.
His colleagues paid up. Hemingway considered it his best work.
Six Word Stories takes this challenge and includes stories by famous people and reader submissions. And while nothing approaches the tragic genius of Hemingway, there are some real gems on there.
Some of the SF one's are my particular favourites...
Time traveller dies tragically. (1967 - 1608) (Sean from Dublin)
“Hello Son,” it said, tentacles waving. (G. Sulea)
Last man on earth. Hears knock. (Pete Berg)
Machine. Unexpectedly, I’d invented a time (Alan Moore)
Leia: “Baby’s yours.” Luke: “Bad news…” (Steven Meretzky)
While in the Death category, we have three of my writing heroes...
Automobile warranty expires. So does engine. (Stan Lee)
With bloody hands, I say good-bye. (Frank Miller)
Gown removed carelessly. Head, less so. (Joss Whedon)


fluid69 said...

Yeah, seen most of the SF ones before in an article Wired magazine did about six word stories. Always loved that Whedon one, of course.

fluid69 said...

BTW - Where's your six word story???

Here's a quickie (bare in mind it's early morning):

Computer sneezed. Operator has coronary attack.

Probably influenced by being at work ;)

Simon Avery said...

I intended to come up with one but after staring at the computer screen for twenty minutes with a blank expression, I gave up...

fluid69 said...

Variation on the Whedon one:

Boy jumps fence. Leaves head behind.


God becomes atheist. Ceases to Exist.