At first it seems like little more than a Friends clone, but by the end of season one, you will - I personally guarantee this - be utterly addicted and invested in the characters. It's frequently hilarious, always has a least one perfect quotable for the rest of the week moment, and, as it goes on becomes as perfectly poignant as Frasier used to be.
There are far too many highlights to name: The Slap Bet, The Bro Code, Marshall and Lily's wedding, Robin Sparkles...
And nothing can prepare you for Barney Stinson. He's Legen- wait for it - dary.
Here's a clip from one of my favourite episodes...
Something else for me to forget is on, miss, only to catch up with on DVD.
I do rather like it, NPH rocks!
Yep, Neil Patrick Harris's Barney is one of the great modern TV charcters along with Niles Crane and Leonard from The Big Bang Theory.
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