And how could one resist the Goliathon 800 Moon Hater Death Ray, which would make a superb centre-piece to any laboratory or lounge and allow you to begin a well rounded bombardment of any Moon habitation you fancy, all from a comfy chair.
...or Lord Cockswain's weapon of choice - The Unnatural Selector, built in metal, glass, Tremontium and rare Venusian Worm Oak.
Going for the princely sum of anywhere from $4,500 to $7,900.
Going for the princely sum of anywhere from $4,500 to $7,900.
I still have my eyes on the replica "Samaritan" from Hellboy. One day :)
Yeah, that is mightily cool too. It's hard to justify a big cash outlay for fancy decorative guns, alas...
I'll stick with my £5 plastic one from the panto.
Yeah, I think that's a prudent financial decision!
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