Thursday, 26 February 2009

Lovecraft Art

Possibly only a thing of beauty to me and a handful of other like-minded pulp fans: two Astounding Stories that featured At The Mountains of Madness, and The Shadow Out Of Time. As I'm knee-deep in pulp/Victoriana/Steampunk/Atomic SF research for my next writing project, these two covers appealed to me today...


David Thompson said...

I agree Simon, the covers are Astounding ... sorry. They are stunning 30s SF art.

Simon Avery said...

Hi David, yeah, I just love those covers as I haven't seen them before. Terrible to think that most of those old beauties got painted over or just destroyed.
And by the way, I love your blogs. Art Deco has recently become a bit of a passion of mine, so I shall be working my way through your posts.